I’m Human

Get ready for another all-too-real entry of Raina’s journal that I’m sharing because, well actually I’m not sure why I’m sharing it. Maybe just to say that I’m real. I’m human. I have doubts. I get jealous. I just want the attention of the world ok. Is that too much to ask?

I live in an almost constant state of jealousy. I want to be the center of attention at all times. I want my phone to be ringing off the hook with all of the people who want to hang out with me. I want to have a circle of people around me at all times, keeping me company and laughing at my jokes. Seeing two friends hanging out without me can send me into a tailspin. Not outwardly of course because I’m a classy woman with self control (not). But it distracts me from whatever i am doing. even if i could not have hung out anyways, I still want to be invited. I want them to be snapchatting me, saying that they wished I was there. I want them to be face timing me because I can’t be there in person. Why am I like this? IDK. Is it normal? IDK. Am i just super self involved and want to be the center of attention? Most likely

I’m not sure why I’m even writing this or if I’ll publish it. Perhaps it is triggered by the presence of social media and everything being sugarcoated and plastered on snapchat and instagram. Either way, I want your love and I want it now


The attention whore formally known as Raina

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